Out of all date ideas, the full experience of hiking with a partner is one of the best.

From packing a day pack to discussing routes and finding a rhythm during the actual hike, this is a date idea that is helpful in growing a relationship and it can be fun.
AllTrails is a very useful app that is free to use the most basic version. The free version will give you everything you needs as far as trails near you, detailed information and reviews, and the ability to navigate and track your hike while on the trail.
You don't have to commit to a 10 mile hike if you don't feel up to it.
Start with a 1.5 mile hike. Completely flat? Totally Ok. Make it fun.
Pro tip:
Pack snacks, you need calories to have energy to keep moving! Pop tarts, granola bars, salami and cheese sticks, snickers. Anything goes!
Pack socks. You never know when you may be a dry or new pair of socks. It's an item I've never regretted packing.
Pack lots of H2O. This is something you'd rather have and not need than need and not have. Hydration multiplier products are useful, but having half of a liter per mile you plan to hike is the best idea.
Take as many breaks as you needs and enjoy the time outside in nature with the one you love!