Remember way back in a magical time called the 90s. On any given Friday night...once TGIF was over...we would gather around and look at old photo albums. Old, grainy pictures of yourself as a baby with your mom holding you. Mom was probably wearing some god-awful clothes and had some outdated hairstyle.

I am in the process of going through my physical, printed photos. YES! I print my pictures (a real shot of my photo bin to the right). My endgame is to create an album that chronicles each year since my wife and I began dating.
Just going through and organizing the photos is rewarding enough! I can't wait to finish the final product and give it to my wife!
Let me know if you have any scrapbooking tips!
Oh wow! You're indeed a rare kind for printing photos. This suggestion might be overwhelming but how about compiling all your pictures together into a scientific paper about your life together: You can print the whole thing out and surprise her :D Just kidding, this is the kind of things us nerds do!