Don't forget to look around your community for events that might be happening right in your backyard! They might not be the first things that come to mind when thinking about a great date but they're easy and cheap. Planning out a unique date ideas is worth the effort every time but it's not always feasible. Consider some of these local events:
- High school sporting events. You don't have to have a child playing to attend. And the nostalgia of a Friday night football game will bring you right back to your own teenage years.
- Lectures at a local university. Colleges bring in speakers from all over the world and while not always publicized to the community, they are often open and free of charge.
- High school or community theater. Spring is musical season for local high schools and you can find dozens of shows to attend at relatively low cost. Community theaters have shows throughout the year.
- Library events. Libraries are a gem! Support your library! They often host authors, craft nights, game nights - the list goes on.
- Moose, Elk, Legion, etc. - these organizations host fundraising dinners, game nights, bingo. See what local clubs are in your area and head down for an evening.